magnify your essence

"journey to discovering the true you"

Reclaim Your Power!

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It’s been quite a while since I last posted on this page. However, the work has never stopped. I am proud to say that there have been many empowerment events, speaking engagements, a few guest appearances, training sessions, a few books have been published, a couple of world tours were conducted, and the list goes on. I must say that if I had to pick a time to release another post, I’m glad that it’s now.

April is a significant month for many reasons. One this is the month when all of this began. When I started on this journey to discover me to Magnify Your Essence. April is also Sexual Assault & Child Abuse Awareness Month. This is the one month we wear teal for those who have been impacted by this horrific act. Something that occurs every day to way too many girls and boys around the world.

I have a connection with the latter because, once I was 7 years old and I was being molested. This is something that has affected many aspects of my life. From low self-esteem to depression to not understanding my worth just to name a few. Like many I kept this quiet for way too long. Until one day I got the courage to use my voice even if it was a silent whisper when I was 17. It wasn’t until I turned 44 when I truly discovered the power of my voice, this time it was a roar!

Ten years later the sound of my voice has a powerful undeniable roar that can be heard all around the world as I make a stand for what I believe in. And that it is time for survivors of many things including sexual abuse to speak up, stand up, share their story, be the voice, heal from their past trauma and reclaim their power!

This journey of self-discovery has allowed me to not only be empowered but to be in the position to empower others. I have met so many women, men and young girls alike who have crossed my path over the years of different ages, ethnic backgrounds and beliefs who have all told me that this has happened to them too. For many, I am the first and only person they have ever told. And, I have a problem with this. Mainly, because their silence has caused undue turmoil, pain and burdens that wasn’t even theirs to begin with.

Statistics say 1 in 3/4 girls and 1 in 5 boys have been sexually abused or assaulted. But I am here to tell you it’s more like the other way around. It’s the one that wasn’t touched instead of the one that was. You see the statics are only based on those who tell. There are way too many that have not. In an exercise I do in workshops or talks, I have everyone close their eyes and hold the persons hand to their left and right of them. I then have them on the sound of my voice squeeze each person hands if they have ever been sexually abused or assaulted. Based upon the 1 in 3 scenarios, if it’s not the person to your left or right then it is you. However, on many occasions it turned out to be either 2 in 3 or unfortunately all three were impacted.

It is my mission to make sure that anyone who is ready to use their voice to be the example of how to use it boldly, proudly and powerfully to make a difference not just for themselves but for their family and community as well. You see once you’ve been able to be Healed you become Empowered, and this leads to being Resilient to anything and everything that comes your way. This choice to make a change truly leads to living The Good Life after past trauma & abuse.

I am living proof of this, and I truly want others to be in this space to reclaim their power in order to live a life that is full of happiness and joy as they discover and embrace how amazing they have always been.

As we embark on the 5th year of making “The Good Life” an award-winning film that has empowered people all around the world, we invite you to join us for a special community film screening and panel discussion as we dive into how to Heal Within to Reclaim Your Power on April 21, 2024.

Here’s what past viewer had to say:

“The Good Life is such a huge story with such incredible humanity”~ Ashley Hoyle, Media Film Festival Programmer

“Watching this film was both deeply emotional and joyous” ~ Lynne Sachs, American Experimental Filmmaker

“This documentary was brave, powerful, uplifting, inspiring and healing.” ~ Felicia Spivey Shanken, PWNC Foundation, Inc. 

“Carolyn Wilson brings us on an emotional ride as she describes her journey. It was both beautiful and impactful. Her story is one that deserves to be seen, especially for those who have a similar story to share. As women we may find that our voices are not as strong as we’d like them to be, but there are others who feel as if their voice is nonexistent. ” ~ Chynna, 2020 American INSIGHT Intern, Temple University

So, to all my survivors/thrivers/overcomers out there…It’s time to Heal and Reclaim Your Power!

xoxo Carolyn

To join us at the screening click here

To learn more about The Good Life and/or to bring it to your organization click here

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